
WCC Flood Guard

Wireless Building Flood Protection System

Wcc Flood Guard Shield

Be Ready

WCC FLOOD GUARD is ready to protect your property from catastrophic flood damage with best-in-class, wireless flood protection technology. WCC FLOOD GUARD deploys a true dynamic wireless mesh into your building, from a single gateway, to protect all areas of your building from catastrophic floods. The flood sensors wirelessly communicate with each other providing an immediate response time with notification to building management, staff and automatic water shut off.

With WCC FLOOD GUARD there is no need for extra gateways or wireless repeaters. They’re just expensive additional failure points in a wireless mesh network.

WCC FLOOD GUARD can connect to your building automation system and building security systems to improve functionality and response time.

All possible locations for flood sensors in your building

Flood Guard System By Wcc Ltd<br />


• A built-in rope sensor attachment to wrap pipes, cover larger and hard to reach areas.

• The wireless mesh includes optimized two-way communication, over-the-air software updates for the gateway and all the flood sensors with no data limits.

• Multilevel flood sensing eliminates false alarms.

• Detects flood, temperature, humidity and asset tracking.

CBOE server farm setup<br />

Chicago Board of EquitiesCBOE

Server / Data Center- Options Trading Data Center

Modern Toilet System<br />
Fan Coil Unit Hvac System<br />
Fan Coil Pan HVAC Component<br />
Under Sink Rope Sensor<br />


Water pressure sensors on the PRV stations to predict and alert potential PRV failure, leaks and floods.

The sensors also monitor mechanical equipment for how hot a motor or pump operates, how often the equipment turns on and off, alerting you to equipment failure before it occurs.

Pressure Relief Valve (Prv) Station<br />

Completed Flood Protection Projects with the true dynamic wireless mesh in building network

Transamerica Pyramid In San Francisco
Pershing Park Plaza, Atlanta
Station Plaza 3, New Jersey
Wyndham San Diego infrastructure by WCC Ltd.<br />
505 Sansome Street Building In San Francisco<br />
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.