
Smart Toilet Sensor for Leak Detection

Stop Toilet leaks before they cost you money with your advanced toilet sensor technology


The TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK will Protect your property from floods and leaks. Our Innovative toilet leak detector ensures that you’re always ahead of potential problems.

We believe in a proactive approach to toilet leak prevention. Our strategies are centred around preventing floods and toilet leaks before they become costly issues. Toilet leak detection is at the heart of what we do, ensuring that your toilet system is not just ordinary but extraordinary.

Do you know what differentiates an efficient toilet system from an ordinary one? It’s the precise integration of components like the TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK. The best toilet leak sensor available. At WCC we are leading the charge in revolutionizing preventative toilet leak prevention with smart sensor cutting-edge technologies that are easy to use and exceptionally effective. Toilet leak sensor provides an unmatched level of protection and efficiency.

Preventing toilet floods and ongoing toilet leaks with a single toilet leak sensor the TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK.


The TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK is your first line of defense in detecting and then preventing expensive water wastage due to unforeseen and unreported toilet leaks. Our toilet leak detector identifies leaks early, allowing you to address them promptly.

The TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK will identify costly toilets leaks to enable you to fix the leaks before your get a surprise water bill.

The valve monitors all your toilet water consumption 24 / 7 / 365 to identify leaking toilets. Your fixtures water consumption data is sent to you in a graphical format on a dashboard to enable you to quickly see all your toilet water consumption and any leaking toilets.

You will now see your toilets leaks, before they cost you money.

The toilet consumption data gives you direct inside information on the water consumption patterns of your tenants, the current state of your toilet tank parts, a great management tool. Once installed after the toilet shut off valve and before the toilet tank the TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK operates independently without requiring any user input.


What happens if your toilet tank fills beyond its capacity? Do toilets have overflow protection? The answer is yes, with our innovative TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK sensor. We have engineered toilet leak sensor to detect excess water flows to your toilet tanks and prevent a possible overflow flood or from a flood due to a failed toilet tank part or the tank breaking.

Upon investigating the cause of the spike in water consumption by your staff, the TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK sensor can be quickly and easily re-set to continue operation.

With the TOILET FLOOD and LEAK BLOCK in place, you can:

  • Avoid unexpected leaks
  • Mitigate potential overflow incidents
  • Conserve water by preventing wastage.
  • Save on unnecessary repair costs and flood damage.
Toilet Flood


(Apartment building in Toronto)


The chart details toilet water consumption in rental units. The spikes are toilet leaks, wasted water and additional costs for the building owner.

Why Choose Us?

We are not just any water conservation company. We are an institution built on a commitment to innovation, service, and sustainability including advanced Toilet Leak Prevention methods. We bring over 30 years of industry experience and a proven track record of saving over 3.5 million litres of water daily.

Our team leverages intelligent water monitoring systems and advanced metering solutions to help you optimize consumption, reduce water costs, and gain control over your insurance expenses. We’re not just about conserving water; we’re about maximizing your resources, too. Our focus on toilet leak detection and prevention ensures that your property remains protected.

With Water Conservation Company, it’s not just about maintaining a functional toilet system. It’s about embracing smarter water conservation and sustainable living. Join us in our mission where every drop has value, and every toilet leak detector makes a difference.

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